Wordpress Themes
August 5th, 2007 by dianna

Many people have asked me why my domain is so odd. These letters represent a phrase my father used for his last 20 years to help people understand how to live a happy life. Below is a direct quote from an article my dad wrote, but honestly its more than a “talk” or a “lecture” its a way of life. It took me years to fully understand the power of the words. I would sit in my fathers office complaining about “this situation” or “that person” and he would just listen until i was done complaining. Then, once he thought i was ready, he would slowly start sharing with me in a way that i could *hear* him about how to get through the situation, how to live my life.

Pat wrote the following description of LAFPDL:
???The letters are from six scriptures the Lord spoke to my heart that are His process of the Holy Spirit revealing jesus in us – to us – and through us- to bring us to an AGAPE love in any / all / relationships. (I use a New English Bible)???

L = Love the command only He can fulfill; how do you do this Lord? What is the love you command of us? hear and do what I tell you by the power of the Holy Spirit. – John 14:34 & 2 John 6 & 1 John 5:1-3

A = Accept in the same way as Christ accepted us we must choose to accept each other. – Romans 15:7

F = Forgive unconditionally as you have been forgiven, and refuse to remember the offence against you. – Matthew 6:14-15 & Hebrews 10:17 & 1 Cor 13:6

P = Pray for those who presecute you pray for them and love them with my love by hearing and obeying Me. – Matthew 5:44

D = Do good to the people who are your persecutors & love them by hearing and obeying Me. – Luke 6:35

and the Lord said and if you will faithfully hear and do these things in the power of My Spirit you will experience the love I speak of:

L = Love as I love you (Agape Love) – 1 Cor 13 & John 14:15

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